

2025-01-26 4











在本案中,王轩军律师和罗春利律师提交了很多法律文书,其中主要法律文书包括:Application for Arbitration(《仲裁申请书》)、Applicationfor Property Preservation《财产保全申请书》、Power of Attorney《授权委托书》、Reasons for CIETAC’s Jurisdiction over Arbitration Case(《贸仲对案件有管辖权的理由说明书》)、Preconditions For Arbitration Are Satisfied(《仲裁前置条件满足的说明书》)、Explanation for Interest on latepayments(《延期付款利息解释说明书》)、Statement of Attorney(《代理词》)。由于《财产保全申请书》和《授权委托书》不仅需要向贸仲提交,也需要向法院提交,故用中文和英文两种语言书写,其他文件仅用英文书写,但当事人名称注明中文。具体展示如下。

Application for Arbitration

Claimant: **Company (Chinese Name: **公司), a company incorporated and existing under the laws of Kingdom ofSpain.

Domicile: **,Spain

Tel:  +34 **  Fax:  +34 **      Email: **

Person incharge: Mr. **, President

Arbitration Agents:

Mr. WangXuanjun, Lawyer, Beijing Yingke Law Firm, Tel: (86) 139 0109 1991

Mr. Luo Chunli,Lawyer, Beijing Yingke Law Firm, Tel: (86) 138 1111 0161

Respondent: ** Co., Ltd. (Chinese Name:**有限公司), a company incorporated and existingunder the laws of the People’s Republic of China.Uniform Social Credit Code: **.

Domicile: **,China. (in Chinese: **)

Contactaddress: **, China. (in Chinese:**)

Person incharge: **, General Manager                 

Contact Person:**, Tel: (86) **,Email:**         

The Arbitration Clause:

The arbitrationclause—Article 8.2 of the PRODUCTION SERVICES AGREEMENT signedby and between the Claimant and the Respondent reads: " NotwithstandingArticle 8.1 herein, any dispute between the Parties in connection with thisMoU, if not promptly resolved by the Parties, shall be settled by arbitrationin Beijing under the Rules of Arbitration of the China Chamber of InternationalCommerce by a single arbitrator appointed in accordance with the said Rules.Any arbitral award shall be final and binding on the Parties and shall benon-appealable. The arbitral proceedings shall be conducted in English and thearbitral award shall be issued in the English language. In any arbitration orin any proceedings for the enforcement of any judgment, order, ruling or awardgranted therein, the losing Party shall pay the attorneys’ fees and legal costsincurred by the winning Party. Notwithstanding the above, either Party mayrequest a court of competent jurisdiction to order any provisional orconservatory measure (including injunctive relief) either prior to theinstitution of the arbitration proceeding or during such proceeding for thepreservation of its rights and interests".

(DetailedReasons for CIETAC’s Jurisdiction over this case arewritten separately.)

Arbitration Claims:

1.  The Respondent shall pay the Claimant EUR XXas the balance of service fees.

2.  The Respondent shall pay the Claimantinterest on late payment, which shall be levied at the rate of 0.0072% per dayfrom 20th July, 2016 and 16th December, 2016 until full payment is received bythe Claimant, based on the principal amount of XX Euros and XX Eurosrespectively. (Temporary total interest on late payment is XX Euros until 11thAugust, 2017).

3.  The Respondent shall pay the Claimant XX RMBto compensate legal costs.

4.  The Respondent shall bear the arbitration feeof this case.

The Facts and Reasons:

ProductionServices Agreement dated March 18, 2016, were actually signed by the Respondenton April 26, 2016 and signed by the Claimant on May 11, 2016 (hereinafterreferred to as the Agreement). The Agreement mainly provided that Claimantshould provide video production services (TV quality) to Respondent in Rio deJaneiro, Brazil in July and August 2016 and the Respondent should pay servicefees to the Claimant.

The Claimanthas fulfilled any and all obligations provided by the Agreement, but the Respondenthas not fulfilled all obligations of payment to the Claimant according toprovisions by the Agreement. The Claimant sent the Respondent invoice No.015-2016-1 amounting to XX Euros and invoice No. 040-2016-1 amounting to XXEuros. The Respondent received two invoices respectively on 20th June, 2016 and16th November, 2016 and should pay the Claimant XX Euros on 20th July, 2016 andXX Euros on 16th December, 2016, according to Article 3.4 of the Agreement.Although the Claimant contacted the Respondent many times via email, face toface meeting, etc., in the attempt to get said outstanding payment and relatedinterests, the Claimant still has not received the payment from the Respondentup to now.

According toprovisions of Article 8.1 of the Agreement, the Claimant has tried to resolvethe dispute on the outstanding payment, prior to the Claimant resorting toarbitration, but failed. (Detailed description and related evidences areprovided separately).

The Applicationis hereby respectfully submitted to China International Economic and TradeArbitration Commission.

Claimant: ** (seal)



Application forProperty Preservation


Claimant: ***Company, a company incorporated and existing under the laws of Kingdom of Spain.


Domicile:***, Spain


Tel电话: +34 ***         Fax传真:   +34 ***               

Email电子信箱: ***

Person in charge: Mr. ***, President




Mr. Wang Xuanjun, Lawyer, Beijing Yingke Law Firm,Tel: (86) 139 0109 1991

Mr. Luo Chunli, Lawyer, Beijing Yingke Law Firm, Tel: (86) 138 1111 0161

王轩军  北京市盈科律师事务所律师    电话:(86) 139 01091991

罗春利  北京市盈科律师事务所律师    电话:(86) 138 11110161

Respondent: *** Co., Ltd., a companyincorporated and existing under the laws of the People’s Republic of China. Uniform Social Credit Code: ***.


Domicile: ***, China.


Contact address: ***, China.


Person in charge: ***, GeneralManager


Contact Person: **


Tel电话: (86) ***,Email电子信箱:*** 

Property Preservation Claims:


Applying for taking property preservation measures to the property ofRespondent. The amount of application is EUR XXX in the bank account ofRespondent or other equivalent value of the property. (Clues of property areattached)


The Facts and Reasons:


Production Services Agreement dated March 18, 2016, were actually signed bythe Respondent on April 26, 2016 and signed by the Claimant on May 11, 2016(hereinafter referred to as the Agreement). The Agreement mainly provided thatClaimant should provide video production services (TV quality) to Respondent inRio de Janeiro, Brazil in July and August 2016 and the Respondent should payservice fees to the Claimant.


The Claimant has fulfilled any and all obligations provided by theAgreement, but the Respondent has not fulfilled all obligations of payment tothe Claimant according to provisions by the Agreement. The Respondent shouldpay the Claimant due payment ofoutstanding balance of two unpaid bills in the exact amount of XXX Eurosand related interests, according to Article 3.3 of the Agreement. Although theClaimant contacted the Respondent many times via email, face to face meeting,etc., in the attempt to get said outstanding payment and related interests, theClaimant still has not received the payment from the Respondent up to now.


According to provisions of Article 8.1 of the Agreement, the Claimant hastried to resolve the dispute on the outstanding payment, prior to the Claimantresorting to arbitration, but failed.


Now the Claimant has applied for arbitration against the Respondentconcerning the dispute. In order to successfully enforce the award to beissued, the Claimant applies for preservation of property of the Respondent.


The Applicationis hereby respectfully submitted to Beijing            People’s Court.


北京市         人民法院

Claimant: ** Company (seal)






Clues of Property:


1. The bank account information of Respondent被申请人账户信息:

Bank name: ***


Account No.账号:***

Power of Attorney


Principal:** Company


Domicile: **,Spain


Tel电话:   +34 **          Fax传真:  +34 **                      

Email电子信箱: **

Person in charge:Mr. **, President




Mr. Wang Xuanjun, Lawyer, Beijing Yingke Law Firm, Tel:(86) 139 0109 1991

Mr.Luo Chunli, Lawyer, Beijing Yingke Law Firm, Tel: (86) 138 1111 0161

王轩军  北京市盈科律师事务所律师    电话:(86) 139 01091991

罗春利  北京市盈科律师事务所律师    电话:(86) 138 11110161

ThePrincipal hereby authorizes the above mentioned agents to represent, assist and defend the Principal, accordingto the terms and conditions of this Power of Attorney, in the dispute relatingto Production Services Agreement between the Principal and ** Co. Ltd.,before law court and/or arbitral tribunal.


The said Agents shall have all the powersincluding, but without limitation of generality of the foregoing, thepowers:


1. To file application for arbitration.


2. To raise, admit, abandon, modifying any arbitration claims,choosing arbitrator(s), to participate in mediation and reach settlementagreements with the opposite party in the arbitration procedure.


3. To institute proceedings by petition or any legal paperas foreseen by procedure, in the first degree and the second degree,beforelaw court;


4.To apply for property preservation, and to apply for enforcement of arbitralaward and judgment, before law court.


5.To raise, admit, abandon, modifying any litigation claims, to participate inmediation and reach settlement agreements with the opposite party in thelitigation procedure.


6. To make presentations and debates atoral hearings,


7. To submit, receive legal documentson behalf of the Principal.


8.to sign, on behalf of the Principal, the legal documents (including but notlimited to: application for arbitration, complaint and appeal related to lawcourt, application for enforcement of arbitral award and judgment, applicationfor property preservation, etc.)


Principal: ** Company(seal)


Person in charge: Mr. **(signature)




Reasons for CIETAC’s Jurisdictionover Arbitration Case

*** (Claimant) vs. ***(Respondent)

To:China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)

Concerning the arbitration case *** Company (Claimant)vs.***Company (Respondent), Claimant thinks that CIETAC has jurisdiction over the case accordingto thefollowingarbitration clause of PRODUCTION SERVICES AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) between the Claimant and theRespondent:

ArbitrationClause - Article 8.2 of the Agreement reads:

“NotwithstandingArticle 8.1 herein, Any dispute between the Parties in connection with thisMoU, if not promptly resolved by the Parties, shall be settled by arbitrationin Beijing under the Rules of Arbitration of the China Chamber of InternationalCommerce by a single arbitrator appointed in accordance with the said Rules.Any arbitral award shall be final and binding on the Parties and shall benon-appealable. The arbitral proceedings shall be conducted in English and thearbitral award shall be issued in the English language. In any arbitration orin any proceedings for the enforcement of any judgment, order, ruling or awardgranted therein, the losing Party shall pay the attorneys’ fees and legal costs incurred by the winning Party. Notwithstandingthe above, either Party may request a court of competent jurisdiction to orderany provisional or conservatory measure (including injunctive relief) eitherprior to the institution of the arbitration proceeding or during suchproceeding for the preservation of its rights and interests.”

The exact reasons for CIETAC’s jurisdiction over the present case Claimantvs. Respondent are as followings:

1.   Preconditionsfor arbitration are satisfied. According to Article 8.1 of the Agreement, thedispute shall be referred for resolution first to Mr. M of Claimant (or anyother person designated by Claimant) and Mr. L of Respondent. In fact, Mr. Mand Mr. G of Claimant attempted to solve the outstanding payment dispute withMr. Y and Mr. L (authorized representative of Respondent) many times, butRespondent failed to take any effective measures.

(1)On3rd November 2016, Mr. G sent a notice to Respondent (mail recipient: Mr. Y)requesting Respondent to fulfill its obligation of XXX Euros payment includingthe second installment amounting to XXX Euros and the third installmentamounting to xxx Euros.【Claimant’s Evidence 6】

(2)On13th June 2017, Claimant had signed the Memorandum of Negotiation in Chinese toask Respondent to pay the outstanding service payment and interest. 【Claimant’s Evidence 9】

(3)On7th August 2017, Mr. M has sent the Notice of Request for Resolution ofDispute to Mr. L by email, in according with the Article 8.1 of theAgreement.【Claimant’s Evidence 10】On 22ndDecember 2017, Mr. Wang Xuanjun on behalf of Claimant has sent again the said Noticeof Request for Resolution of Dispute to Mr. L by registered mail with Mr. Yas receiver, in according with the Article 15.1 of the Agreement.【Claimant’s Evidence 11】However, up to now,Mr. L fails to give any feedback to Claimant.

2.    Normally Memorandum of Understanding “MoU” describes a bilateral or multilateralagreement between two or more parties. It is difficult to understand that “this MoU” (“谅解备忘录”inChinese) mentioned in the above Article 8.2 of the Agreement is other documentthan “this Agreement”.Therefore Claimant thinks that “this MoU” (“谅解备忘录”in Chinese) is do the “PRODUCTION SERVICES AGREEMENT” signed byClaimant and Respondent.

3.   Accordingto provision by Paragraph 2 of Article 1 of China International Economic andTrade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) Arbitration Rules,  as indicated below, the name “China Chamber of International Commerce”used in Article 8.2 of the Agreement should be deemed as the name of “CIETAC”.Therefore, the Rules of Arbitration of the China Chamber ofInternational Commerce should be CIETAC Arbitration Rules.

Paragraph 2 of Article 1 of CIETAC ArbitrationRules provides:

“Where an arbitrationagreement provides for arbitration by the China Council for the Promotion ofInternational Trade/China Chamber of International Commerce, or by theArbitration Commission or the Arbitration Institute of the China Council forthe Promotion of International Trade/China Chamber of International Commerce, orrefers to CIETAC’s previous names, it shall be deemedthat the parties have agreed to arbitration by CIETAC.”

4.   According to Paragraph 4 of Article 4 ofCIETAC Arbitration Rules as indicated below, CIEATC has jurisdiction over thedispute between Claimant and Respondent, since both parties agree to refertheir dispute to arbitration under the Rules ofArbitration of the China Chamber of International Commerce (i.e. CIETACArbitration Rules) without providing the name of the arbitration institution.

Paragraph 4 ofArticle 4 of CIETAC Arbitration Rules provides:

“Where the partiesagree to refer their dispute to arbitration under these Rules without providingthe name of the arbitration institution, they shall be deemed to have agreed torefer the dispute to arbitration by CIETAC.”


The preconditions for arbitration are satisfied. The Rules of Arbitration of the China Chamber ofInternational Commerce should be CIETAC Arbitration Rules.CIEATC hasjurisdiction over the present case since both parties agree to refer theirdispute to arbitration under CIETAC ArbitrationRules without providing the name of the arbitration institution, accordingto Paragraph 4 of Article 4 of CIETAC Arbitration Rules.

Claimant: ***Company

Arbitration agents:

Wang Xuanjun, Luo Chunli, of Beijing YingkeLaw Firm

January 2, 2018

Preconditions For Arbitration Are Satisfied

*** (Claimant) vs. *** (Respondent)

To: China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission(CIETAC)

The preconditions are satisfied for **Company (Claimant)to apply for Arbitration concerning the dispute between **Company and *** Co., Ltd(Respondent). The exact reasons are followings:

1.     Thepreconditions for arbitration

Theclause of the preconditions for arbitration - Article 8.1 of the PRODUCTION SERVICES AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) signed by and between the Claimant and the Respondent reads:

“The Dispute shall be referred for resolution first to Mr. M ofClaimant (or any other person designated by Claimant) and Mr. L of Respondent.Such procedure shall be invoked by either Claimant or Respondent presenting tothe other Party a "Notice of Request for Resolution of Dispute" (a"Notice") identifying the issues in dispute sought to be addressedhereunder. A meeting of designates at a mutually agreed upon location will beheld within five (5) days after the delivery of the Notice.”

2.   According to above mentioned Article 8.1, thedispute shall be referred for resolution first to Mr. M of Claimant (or anyother person designated by Claimant) and Mr. L of Respondent.  In fact, Mr. M and Mr. G of Claimantattempted to solve the outstanding payment dispute with Mr. Y and Mr. L(authorized representative of Respondent) many times, but Respondent failed totake any effective measures.

(1)On 3rd November 2016, Mr. G sent a notice toRespondent (mail recipient: Mr. Y) requesting Respondent to fulfill itsobligation of XX Euros payment including the second installment amounting to XXEuros and the third installment amounting to XX Euros. 【Claimant’s Evidence 7】

(2)On 13th June 2017, Claimant signed theMemorandum of Negotiation in Chinese to ask Respondent to pay the outstandingservice payment and interest. 【Claimant’sEvidence 10】

(3)On 7th August 2017, Mr. M has sent the Noticeof Request for Resolution of Dispute to Mr. L by email, in according with theArticle 8.1 of the Agreement.【Claimant’sEvidence 11】On 22nd December 2017, Mr. Wang Xuanjun on behalf ofClaimant has sent again the said Notice of Request for Resolution of Dispute to Mr. L by registered mail with Mr. Y as receiver, in according with the Article 15.1 of theAgreement.【Claimant’s Evidence 12】However, up to now, Mr. L fails to give any feedback toClaimant.

3.     Special remark: Mr. M** and Mr. M*** (differentspelling) are the same person.

Diminutiveof given name “M**” in Spanish is “M***”, according to Behind The Name (website:http://www.behindthename.com/name/***) and Wiktionary(https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/***_of_given_names) (see Claimant’s Evidence 14).

Therefore, the preconditions are satisfied for Claimantto apply for Arbitration before CIETAC.

Claimant: ** Company

Arbitration agents:

Wang Xuanjun, Luo Chunli, of Beijing Yingke Law Firm

January 12, 2018

Explanationfor Interest on Late Payments

1. Related provisions of the Agreement between Claimant and Respondent:

Article 3.3 Fees Payment Terms

Provided that ** Company(Claimant) has complied with itsobligations hereunder and subject to Article 13.4, and the Details included in theAPPENDIX C, *** Co., Ltd(Respondent) will pay ** Company the Fees as follows:

(a)First Installment:  Fees A - will bepaid 100% upon contract signature.

(b)Second Installment: 60% of Fees B and C- once the 15 to 20 Athleteslist, whose Features shall be produced by ** Company, is confirmed in written form by the Parties by MARCH 15 2016.

(c)Third Installment:  100% of fee Dand Balance of Fees B and C by the end of AUGUST 2016. 

Due to the foreign exchange policy of China, payment of foreign currencywill go through certain statutory step that the payment can be executed withinfifteen (15) working days after invoice is received. Fee payments are net ofany transaction or foreign exchange related costs.

Article 3.4 Payment Documents Required

Separateinvoices for each installment of the Fees, ...... to be paid in thirty (30)days at latest.

Article 3.6 Interest on Late Payments

In the eventof the late payment of any installment of the Fees or any other payments due to**Company under this Agreement, interest will be levied at therate of 3% per annum above Euribor (Euro Interbank Offered Rate) from time totime calculated on a daily basis from the due date until payment is received.

2. Related interest rate

According to Series LevelInformation Concerning Average Of Observations Through Period - Euro And OneMonth Euribor Rate (see Claimant’s Evidence 13), actual rate per day of interest on late payment is 0.0072%.

For example, the actual rate perday for August of 2017 is:

A = actualrate per annum 2.628% = 3% per annum above Euribor (- 0.3720% per annum),according to Article 3.6 of the Agreement between Claimant and Respondent

B = actual rate per day 0.0072% = A / 365 = 2.628% perannum /365

To better understand theinterest rate for period July 2016 to August 2017, please see the table below:



Actual Rate Per  Day











































3. Calculation of interest

Respondent received Claimant’s invoice of the second installment for XX Euros on June 20th,2016 (see Claimant’s Evidence 6). So the calculation of interest started at 31st dayafter Respondent’s receipt of theinvoice, which was on July 20th, 2016. Also, Respondent received theinvoice of the third installment for YY Euros on November 16th, 2016(see Claimant’s Evidence7). So the calculation of interest started at 31st day after Respondent’s receipt of the invoice, which was on December 16th,2016. Temporary total interest on late payment is Eur ZZ until 11thAugust 2017.

The exact calculations oftemporary interest up to 11/08/2017 are as followings:

Amount of interest on 2nd Invoice:

A:  Invoice Amount: Eur XX 

B:  Period: From 20/7/2016 to 11/08/2017,total 388 days

C:  Amount of interest Eur MM = A x B x 0.0072% =Eur XX x 388 days x 0.0072%

Amount of interest on 3rd Invoice: 

D:  Invoice Amount: Eur YY

E:  Period: From 16/12/2016 to11/08/2017, total 238 days

F:  Amount of interest Eur NN = A x B x 0.0072% =Eur YY x 238 days x 0.0072%

TOTAL amount of interest Eur ZZ = C +F = Eur MM + Eur NN

Statement of Attorney

By Wang Xuanjunand Luo Chunli

Claimant’s Arbitration Agents

10 September2018

Case No. ***

Dear distinguished arbitrator,

Concerning the captioned dispute case between ** Company ( Claimant) and*** Co., Ltd(Respondent), Beijing Yingke Law Firm accepted theappointment of the Claimant, and designated us as the Claimant’s arbitration agents. After investigating carefully andparticipating in the oral hearing held in Beijing on 22 August 2018 by theArbitral Tribunal of CIETAC,we hold the view that thefacts are clear and the evidences are certain regarding the claimant’s claims, which should be supported by the Arbitral Tribunal. Basedon relevant facts, evidences and laws, we would like to express followingopinions:

1.  The “Production Services Agreement” (“Agreement”) signed by the Claimant and theRespondent is valid.

Article15.2 of the Agreement (see Claimant'sEvidence 1) provided that this Agreement willbe construed and governed under Swiss laws. It is confirmed by Prof. Dr. ***,an experienced Swiss lawyer and law professor, in Section 6.1 and 6.2 of hisOpinion Letter (see Claimant's Evidence16) that (1) the Swiss law of contract is based on the principle offormal freedom according to Article 11 of Swiss Code of Obligations of 30 March1911 (the “Code”, see attachment); (2) thecontent of a contract may, within the limits of the law, be established atdiscretion of the parties pursuant to Article 19 of the Code. He has not beenprovided with any information that would lead him to conclude that the rightsof Claimant under the Agreement could be outside the limits of the law orunenforceable as contractually agreed by the Parties. Therefore his conclusionis that, under Swiss law, the Agreement is formally valid (see Section 1.2 ofthe Opinion Letter).

2.  The Claimant and the Respondent havearrived at a consensus over the variation of the Agreement.

Claimant'sEvidence 2 shows that Mr. Y said in his email of 14 Oct. 2016 that he wouldnotify the financial department to deal with this transaction according to theadjusted version proposed by Ms. U of the Claimant in her email of 6 Oct. 2016.As Mr. Y could represent the Respondent due to his position as the contactperson of the Respondent (see Article 15.1 of the Agreement), his action couldbe interpreted as that the Respondent has agreed on the changes of theAgreement proposed by the Claimant. And Claimant's Evidence 3 directlyconfirmed that, according to real production services of the final AthletesFeatures, after proposal by Claimant,the total amount ofservices fees was finally changed from EUR *** to EUR ***. Thus, there is a “meeting of the minds” of both parties on thevariation of the Agreement.

3.  The Claimant has already fulfilled itsobligation after alteration.

Asis indicated in Claimant’s Evidence 3, the Claimant hasproduced final Athletes Features according to the situation in Rio and hasdelivered the Features to the Respondent in Hard Drives, which have been usedby Respondent without any objection. Based on real production services of finalAthletes Features, Respondent confirmed that the total amount of service feesis finally EUR *** after the alteration agreed by both Parties, which meansthat the Claimant has already fulfilled its obligation of production servicescorresponding to total amount EUR *** of service fees. What’s more, RESPONDENT PRODUCTION PLAN 150716 attached to the email ofAugust 8, 2017 (see Claimant's Evidence 4) shows how the Claimant fulfilled its obligation in a detailedway. 

4.  The Respondent should pay the Claimantthe outstanding amount of EUR ***.

Accordingto Article 3.3 of the Agreement, all the fees shall be paid to the Claimant in3 installments if the Claimant has complied with its obligations and subject tothe details included in the APPENDIX C of the Agreement. Claimant's Evidence 3and 10 show that the Respondent confirmed it still owed the Claimant the secondand the third installment of fees totally amounting to EUR ***. Although theClaimant contacted the Respondent many times via email, face to face meeting,etc., in the attempt to get thesaid outstanding payment,the Claimant still has not received the payment from the Respondent up to now.Claimant’s Evidence 8 shows that the Claimant has providedsupporting documents and certificates for payment purposes provided by Article3.4 of the Agreement. So the Respondent should pay the Claimant of outstandingamount of EUR ***.

5.  Interest claimed by the Claimant shouldbe supported.

Article3.6 of the Agreement provided that in the event of the late payment of anyinstallment of the Fees or any other payments due to Claimant under thisAgreement, interest will be levied at the rate of 3% per annum above Euribor(Euro Interbank Offered Rate) from time to time calculated on a daily basisfrom the due date until payment is received. According to Section 6.3 of theOpinion Letter of Prof. Dr. *** (see Claimant's Evidence 16), a contractuallate payment interest rate of 300 basis points above a determined EuroInterbank Offered Rate is not to be considered as excessive under generalprinciples. Therefore, as per Section 1.2 (iii) of the Opinion Letter of Prof.Dr. ***, the Claimant’s interest claim complies with theapplicable rules of the Swiss Code of Obligations.

Actualrate of interest per day on late payment is 0.0072%, with details ofcalculation of the interest rate mentioned in the Explanation for Interest onLate Payment (see Claimant’s Evidence 13).

Asis provided in Article 3.4 of the Agreement, separate invoices for eachinstallment of the Fees addressed to Respondent shall be paid in thirty days atthe latest. As is shown by Claimant'sEvidence 6 and 7, the Claimant sent the Respondent invoice No. 015-2016-1 amountingto EUR *** and invoice No. 040-2016-1 amounting to EUR ***. The Respondentreceived the two invoices respectively on 20 June 2016 and 16 November 2016.Therefore, Respondent should pay the Claimant *** Euros on 20 July 2016 and ***Euros on 16 December 2016. Since the Respondent did not effect payment on thedates respectively, the Respondent shall pay the Claimant interest on latepayment, which shall be levied at the rate of 0.0072% per day from 20 July 2016and 16 December 2016 until full payment is received by the Claimant, based onthe principal amount of *** Euros and *** Euros respectively.

6.  TheRespondent shall pay the Claimant RMB *** tocompensate legal costs.

Consideringthat the Claimant has already fulfilled its obligation agreed by both Partiesand has asked the Respondent to pay outstanding service fees for several times,the Respondent’s refusal to pay left the claimant with no choice but toapply for arbitration to claim its rights. It’s fair tosay that this arbitration was completely caused by the Respondent’s default. Therefore, it would be fair and reasonable for theArbitral Tribunal to order the Respondent to compensate the Claimant’s legal cost RMB *** (see Claimant's Evidence 15). It would also befair and reasonable for the Arbitral Tribunal to order the Respondent tocompensate the Claimant’s paid arbitration fee of thiscase USD ***, according to the provisions of Article 52 of CIETAC ArbitrationRules.

7.  Conclusion

Basedon the aforementioned statement, the Respondent has the obligation to pay theClaimant outstanding service fees EUR ***, interest on late payment, legal costRMB ***, and arbitration fees. We sincerely ask the Arbitral Tribunal tosupport Claimant’s claims.

Yours faithfully,

** Company

Arbitration agents: Wang Xuanjun, Luo Chunli

Attachment: Swiss Code of Obligations of 30 March 1911 (provisionsexpressly relied upon in the legal opinion of Prof. Dr.***)







二、       仲裁庭裁决书结果



1)The Respondent shall pay to the Claimant *** EUR as the balance of service fees;

2)The Respondent shall pay to the Claimant interest onlate payment of the principal amount of *** EUR at the rate of 0.0072% per day from July 20,2016until full payment of such amount is received by the Claimant and interest onlate payment of the principal amount of *** EUR at the rate of 0.0072% per day from December16,2016 until full payment of such amount is received by the Claimant;  

3)The Respondent shall pay to the Claimant *** Yuan to compensate its legal costs; and

4)The arbitration fee of the present case is *** USD, all of which shall be borne by the Respondent.The above-mentioned arbitration fee offsets the deposit advanced by theClaimant, therefore the Respondent shall pay such amount to the Claimant.

5)The above payments shall be made and cleared by theRespondent to the Claimant within 15 days from the effective date of thisAward.













6、协议中约定的欧元银行间拆放利率Euribor (EuroInterbank Offered Rate)为负利率,对于负利率的查明以及在起草合同时是否要以Euribor为基础作为逾期付款的利息,要慎重考虑。









王轩军,盈科律师事务所高级合伙人、北京大学法学学士、对外经济贸易大学工商管理硕士、中国政法大学法学博士研究生学历,高级国际商务师、对外经济贸易大学客座教授、Legal 500 推荐的WTO国际贸易律师、国际律师协会会员(公司与并购法律委员会委员)、中国贸促会/中国国际商会调解中心调解员、司法部建立的全国千名涉外律师人才库律师之一、法律出版社《中国涉外律师》编辑部向驻华商会、使馆、外向型机构推选的100位优秀涉外律师之一,具有30年从事律师和其他法律事务的丰富工作经验。专业领域:国际贸易、跨境投资、涉外仲裁诉讼等。



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